The Gialova lagoon is one of the most important wetlands in Europe, as it constitutes the southernmost migratory station of migratory birds in the Balkans to and from Africa. The Lagoon is located 7 km north of Pylos, between the settlement Gialova and Voidokilia Cove, in an area of 6,000 acres. The Gialova lagoon is also known as Divari (from the Latin word vivarium, which means “fish hatchery”). Its greater depth does not exceed 4 meters.
In Gialova lagoon, 254 types of birds such as herons, cormorants, kestrels, seagulls, flamingos, ospreys, imperial eagles and other wading birds find shelter. Here, another rare species throughout Europe, the African chameleon, is hosted in the Lagoon. In fact, the African chameleon is considered to be an endangered species.